Spletna mednarodna konferenca

18.02.2021 - 08:00 do 15:00
MS Teams
Datum objave: 

Spletna mednarodna konferenca

Napredna znanja v zdravstveni negi:

mednarodne izkušnje in usmeritve za razvoj zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji


Univerza v Mariboru Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede (UM FZV) organizira prvo konferenco o Naprednih znanjih v zdravstveni negi, ki bo v angleškem jeziku potekala 18. februarja 2021 preko spletnega orodja MS Teams.

Na prvi mednarodni konferenci o Naprednih znanjih v zdravstveni negi v Sloveniji bodo sodelovali vodilni mednarodni strokovnjaki, ki bodo predstavili in izmenjali izkušnje na področju izobraževanja in prakse naprednih znanj v zdravstveni negi. Poseben poudarek bo na razvoju kompetenc in poklicnih aktivnosti ter prepoznavanju vlog medicinskih sester z naprednimi znanji v praksi.

Namen konference je približati izobraževanje medicinskih sester z naprednimi znanji ter predvsem napredno prakso zdravstvene nege akademskemu in kliničnemu okolju ter odločevalcem v vladnih in drugih poklicnih skupinah v Sloveniji. Rezultati številnih raziskav namreč kažejo, da medicinske sestre z naprednimi znanji z dopolnitvijo ali razširitvijo vlog lahko nudijo strokovno in kakovostno zdravstveno obravnavo bolnikov, prispevajo k boljši učinkovitosti, zmanjševanju stroškov, zadovoljstvu pacientov, zmanjšanju (re)hospitalizacij ter zmanjšanju smrtnosti.

Strokovnjaki iz držav, v katerih so napredna znanja v zdravstveni negi že uveljavljena in strokovnjaki iz držav, kjer je razvoj naprednih znanj v zdravstveni negi v začetnih fazah, bodo sodelovali na okrogli mizi. Diskusija bo potekala o novo razvitem modelu izobraževanja medicinskih sester z naprednimi znanji, ki ga je na osnovi mednarodnih usmeritev in dobrih praks pripravila UM FZV ter novih študijskih smeri o kroničnih boleznih, mentalnem zdravju in obravnavi starejših. Zaključki okrogle mize bodo osnova za nadaljnji razvoj naprednih znanj v zdravstveni negi v Sloveniji.

Pomembnost vsebine konference so prepoznali Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje in Mestna občina Maribor ter prevzeli častno pokroviteljstvo dogodka.

Zbornica zveze           MOM            NIJZ

Zelo smo veseli, da bomo na našem dogodku lahko spremljali cenjene predavatelje in prisluhnili njihovemu strokovnemu znanju in neprecenljivim izkušnjam.

Professor Pamela R. Jeffries

Professor Pamela R. Jeffries, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF                       

 Pamela R. Jeffries, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, Professor and Dean of George Washington University School of Nursing, is internationally known for her research and work in nursing, simulation and health care education.  Throughout the academic community, she is well regarded for her scholarly contributions to the development of innovative teaching strategies, experiential learning techniques, new pedagogies and the delivery of content using technology.

As the principle investigator on grants funded by federal and state agencies and numerous national organizations, including the National League for Nursing (NLN) and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, she has provided leadership and mentorship on ground-breaking projects impacting both nursing practice and education.  With the NLN, Dr. Jeffries developed the major contribution to simulation scholarship, the framework and monograph now known as the NLN Jeffries Simulation Theory.  

She is a sought-after keynote speaker and delivers nationally and internationally presentations on nursing leadership and her research. Throughout her career, she has shared her expertise in clinical education, simulations and other emerging technologies as a consultant to health care organizations, corporations and publishers. Her numerous publications cover a wide-range of topics pertinent to nursing education, clinical simulations and health care policy.


Professor Dianne Cooney Miner

 Professor Dianne Cooney Miner Ph.D., RN, CNS, FAAN, FFNMRCSI (Hon)              

 Dr Dianne Cooney Miner holds a doctoral degree from Adelphi University and is a Dean Emeritus and professor at St. John Fisher College's Wegmans School of Nursing. Her latest role is Executive Director, Golisano Institute for Developmental Disability Nursing.

Her scholarly research has been published in dozens of professional medical journals and health care publications, and she is regularly called upon by local, regional, and national media as an expert in the field of nursing. For over 20 years, Cooney Miner has served on a variety of boards in capacities including chair, co-chair, and member. A long-time appointee to the New York State Board for Nursing, she serves on the Board of Directors of Rochester Regional Health, The Children’s Agenda, and The Children’s Institute, and as a convener of Roc the Future. 

Her list of honors and awards runs long, and includes accolades from her Syracuse University, the New York State Organization of Nurse Executives, the Foundation of New York State Nurses, and the American Academy of Nursing. In 2015, she was named a faculty fellow in nursing and midwifery by the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin. The highest honor the faculty can bestow upon an individual, the fellowship recognizes outstanding service to the nursing/midwifery profession and significant humanitarian work. She was also inducted as a faculty scholar by the Waterford Institute of Technology in 2018.


Professor Hugh P. McKenna

 Professor Hugh P. McKenna CBE, PhD, B.Sc(Hons), RMN, RGN, RNT, DipN(Lond), AdvDipEd, FFN RCSI, FEANS, FRCN, FAAN, MEA                       

 Hugh is a general and psychiatric nurse and until recently was Dean of Medical School Development at Ulster University. Prior to this he was Depute President for Research and Innovation. He has over 250 publications, including 16 books. He was awarded a CBE for his work on health and community and is a Fellow of four prestigious organisations. In 2013, he received the Outstanding Achievement Award by the RCN followed by a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Institute of Psychiatry. A 2018 Government report named him as one of the 70 most influential nurses in the 70 year history of the NHS.

He holds Visiting Professorships in several countries and has Honorary Doctorates from Edinburgh Napier University and the University of Maribor.  He chairs the UK Government’s research  panel for Pharmacy, Dentistry, AHPs, Biomedical Sciences, Nursing and Midwifery. He has chaired a similar panel in Sweden. He currently chairs panels for the Hong Kong Council and Inspire, the largest mental health, learning disability and addiction charity on the island of Ireland. In 2019, he was appointed to the Academia Europaea, founded as an initiative of The Royal Society; he was also made a Trustee of Alzheimer’s Society UK.


Dr Gerry Lee

 Dr Gerry Lee                      

 Gerry Lee has worked in advanced practice for over twenty-five years examining the role of advanced practice in relation to clincial outcomes, staff knowledge on these roles, education and training required to become an advanced practitioner as well as examining patient satisfaction with advanced practitioners. She has worked in Australia where she developed one of the first Masters programmes for Nurse Practitioners and also in the UK at King's College London where, since 2012, she has been the lead for Advanced Practice. Her other research expertise is in workforce development and she has developed two new programmes: Advanced Critical Care Practice and Surgical Care Practice. She also researches issues relating to advanced practice education, patient-centred care and chronic disease management.

In 2018, she established a nurse-led rapid access clinic for patients with suspected atrial fibrillation with the aim of assessing patients for stroke and ensuring appropriate medication is prescribed and works closely with a clinical pharmacist. Dr Lee is a member of the science committee for the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals. She has published over a 100 peer reviewed papers and is currently a Reader in Advanced Clinical Practice.  Link to profile: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/gerry.lee.html

Dr Sigrid Vervoort

 Dr Sigrid Vervoort                      

 Dr Sigrid Vervoort is trained as a nurse, nurse practitioner and nurse scientist. She was a clinical nurse specialist/nurse practitioner for 18 years for people living with HIV and for about five years  manager of nurse practitioners.

Currently, she is appointed as head of the department of Care Innovations at the Division of Imaging & Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht. In this position, she is involved with nurse practitioners, nursing scientists, quality of care, health care/nursing education, psychosocial care and patient participation in oncology.

She works in the trias academia fulfilling roles in advanced nursing practice, research and education. She is a lecturer at Clinical Health Sciences at the University of Utrecht and has been training and coaching large numbers of master students in various roles.

Her research focuses on high level of outcomes for patients, improving cancer patient care and professional development. Her expertise lies on evidence based interventions, self-management and adherence. Her expertise with regard to qualitative research methodology is widely acknowledged and many researchers seek her expertise tot strengthen their projects.


Professor Jozsef Betlehem

Professor Jozsef Betlehem RN, MNS, MEdu, EMT, PhD            

He is a full professor of the University of Pecs (Hungary), Head of the Department of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Helath, Vice-rector of the University of Pecs.  In addition to teaching paramedics and nurses, his academic and research work includes maintaining and protmoting nurses’ health and preventing them from leaving the profession. Prof Bethlehem contributed to the establishment and launch of the APN training in Hungary as a Ministerial Commissioner. In addition to his numerous domestic and international professional roles, he continues to monitor and assist the professional development of nurses. He initiates and supports the development of nursing in both education and clinical care.

Professor John S G Wells

 Professor John S G Wells, PhD             

 Professor John Wells Dean  of the School of Health Science in Waterford Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow Ad Eundem of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and  a Visiting Professor at King's College, University of London, UK and at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.

He trained as a mental health nurse and took up his first academic appointment in 1991 as a lecturer in mental health nursing at the Maudsley Hospital School of Nursing. This was followed in 1993 with an appointment as a lecturer in nursing at King's College, University of London, where he remained until 1998. He then moved to Ireland and took up a lectureship in Psychiatric Nursing based in WIT.

Professor Wells has been awarded major grants from the European Union, the Health Service Executive and the Department of Health and Children either as principal investigator or a co-investigator covering such areas as work related stress amongst European health and social care workers, employment of people with mental health problems and improving recruitment policy in relation to school leavers for psychiatric nursing and substance use and addictions. He is currently leading a pan European project on student nurse stress, which at the time of COVID, is now a central concern for the profession of nursing.

Doc. dr. Tit Albreht

 Doc. dr. Tit Albreht, dr.med.           

 Doc. dr. Tit Albreht, dr.med., promocija doktorata s področja raziskovanja zdravstvene službe pri Univerzi v Amsterdamu. Predstojnik Centra za zdravstveno varstvo na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje. Deluje kot raziskovalec na področju raziskovanja zdravstvene službe, zdravstvenih politik, zdravstvenih sistemov ter politik na področju obvladovanja raka. Član Znanstvenega odbora European Public Health Association in predsednik Sekcije za preventivno medicine pri Slovenskem zdravniškem društvu. Recenzent pri petih mednarodno uveljavljenih znanstvenih revijah z njegovih področij dela. V zadnjih letih je veliko časa posvetil delu na razvoju politik na področju obvladovanja raka v Evropski Uniji, saj je bil vodja projekta FACT v podporo slovenskemu predsedovanju Evropski Uniji. V naslednjih letih pa je uspešno deloval kot namestnik vodje (2011-2014) in kot vodja Skupnega Ukrepa (Joint Action) (2014-danes) na področju raka. Habilitiran kot docent na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani in na Fakulteti za zdravstvene vede v Mariboru, kjer predava izbrane teme iz javnega zdravja ter je nosilec predmeta javno zdravje pri Medicinski fakulteti v Mariboru ter predmetov Promocija zdravja in primarno zdravstveno varstvo in Zdrav življenjski slog pri kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni na FZV v Mariboru. Deluje kot konzultant pri Evropski Uniji, Svetovni zdravstveni organizaciji in Mednarodni agenciji za atomsko energijo (IAEA).


Mag. Eva Zver

 Mag. Eva Zver       

She has been working for the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD) in Slovenia since 1998. Her work is focused on analyzing health care policy, long-term care policy, social security systems, forecasting economic performance of public services and analyzing employment trends in public sector. She is regulary invited to present her work at different meetings and workshops in Slovenia or to international organizations (OECD, WHO). As an advisor she has been involved in several legislative working groups at the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor, Social Works and Equal Opportunities. From 2010-2016 she was on a position of a representative of the Slovenian Government at the Assembly of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. From 2010 to 2020 she was a delegate to the Working Group on Ageing Population and Sustainability (AWG) - Economic Policy Committee, European Commission; with responsibilities focused on health and long-term care expenditure projections for Slovenia. In 2020 she spent four months on the position of a Deputy Director General at the Ministry for Health, Directorate for Long-term Care. Besides her regular work for IMAD she has been working on several projects in Central and Eastern European Countries, Central Asia and Caribbean as an expert for the implementation of the System of Health Accounts and for monitoring of health financing and expenditure indicators. 



*Organizator si pridržuje pravico do spremembe programa.   

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E-prijavnica za udeležence konference

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Veselimo se srečanja z vami in vas lepo pozdravljamo v želji, da se v velikem številu udeležite dogodka.


Programsko-organizacijski odbor

  • Prof Dr (Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in severne Irske) Majda PAJNKIHAR
  • Prof Pamela JEFFRIES, PhD
  • Prof Dianne COONEY MINER, PhD
  • Prof Hugh McKENNA, PhD
  • Prof Jozsef BETLEHEM, PhD
  • Prof Habil Andras OLAH, PhD
  • Doc. dr. Dominika VRBNJAK
  • Prof. dr. Sonja ŠOSTAR TURK
  • Izr. prof. dr. Gregor ŠTIGLIC
  • Viš. predav. dr. Klavdija ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ
  • Aleksandra LOVRENČIČ