Postgraduate 2nd degree study programme Bioinformatics

Bioinformatika (II. st.)


Duration of study: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Title awarded at the end of the programme Magister bioinformatike, magistrica bioinformatike (Abbrev: mag. bioinf.)

The Postgraduate (2nd degree) Study Programme Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary study programme jointly organised by the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor.

Short description

The basic aims of the programme comply with the goals of postgraduate study as stipulated by the law. The programme consists of research- and profession-related topics including computer science, genomics and biomedicine, and is comparable with similar internationally recognized programmes abroad. 
The aim of program is to enable students to acquire and further develop the interdisciplinary knowledge in the above areas:

  • by studying theoretical and methodological concepts.
  • by training for the transfer and application of the theoretical knowledge in practice, and
  • by learning to solve profession- and work-related and other problems, in particular by searching for new sources of knowledge and by applying scientific methods, to develop the ability to communicate within and among professions, professional and scientific criticism and responsibility, initiative and independence in decision-making and managing highly demanding tasks.



1st YEAR

Lecturer Course L S E IW L S E IW
Zorman, Verber Information and Communication Technologies in Bioinformatics  18 - 42 90 - - - - 150 6
Mongus, Šprogar Algorithms and Data Structures in Bioinformatics 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Brumen M. Molecular Biophysics 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
  Elective Course 1 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
  Elective Course 2 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik Introduction to Bioinformatics - - - - 30 30 - 90 150 6
Zorman Applied Computer Science for Bioinformatics - - - - 30 - 30 90 150 6
Povalej Multivariate Statistical Methods - - - - 30 - 30 90 150 6
Žalik Computer Geometry for Bioinformatics - - - - 30 - 30 90 150 6

Podgorelec V.

Brumen B.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - - - - 30 - 30 90 150 6


Fijan Selected Topics in Biochemistry 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Fajmut Selected Topics in Biophysics 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Lipovšek Basics of Molecular and Cell Biology 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Knez Ž. Chemistry 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
TOTAL 1500 60


2nd YEAR

Lecturer Subject L S E IW L S E IW
Fajmut Theoretical Biophysics 30 15 15 90 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik Bioinformatics and Genetic Research 30 - 30 90 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik DNA Micro Nets and Analyze of Expressions Gene 15 - 45 90 - - - - 150 6
  Elective Course 1 15 0-15 15-30 105 - - - - 150 6
  Elective Course 2 15 0-15 15-30 105 - - - - 150 6
Štiglic Advanced Research Methods in Bioinformatics - - - - 15 30 - 105 150 6
  Seminar - - - - - 30 - 195 225 9
  Master Work - - - - - - - 375 375 15


Kokol Complexity Theory and Chaos 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Kokol, Welzer Družovec Health Informatics 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Mongus Visualisation of Scientific Data 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Fajmut Modelling and Simulation in Health Care 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Glavač Protein Structures and Proteomic 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik Pharmacogenomics 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Glavač Human Molecular Genetics-Selected Topics 15 15 15 105 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik Recombinant DNA Technology 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
Potočnik Basics of Molecular and Population Genetics 15 - 30 105 - - - - 150 6
TOTAL 1500 60