New members of the American Academy of Nursing


We are pleased to announce that two of our longtime collaborators in education and research, Prof John Wells, PhD, MSc from the Irish Waterford Institute of Technology and Prof Ruth Masterson Creber, PhD, MSc, RN, from Weill Cornell Medical Center, USA, have become Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing at this year’s traditional conference (October 7-9, 2021). Prof Wells and Prof Creber joined Prof Majda Pajnkihar, PhD, who has been a member of the AAN since 2018, still the only member from Slovenia.

The American Academy of Nursing brings together approximately 2,900 leading experts in education, research, management, and practice in nursing from the United States and a small number of professionals from other countries. The mission of the American Academy of Nursing and its members is to improve the quality of health care and nursing continually, promote healthy ageing, reduce health inequalities, integrate mental and physical health, and strengthen the nursing and health care system nationally and internationally.


Prof John Wells     New members of the American Academy of Nursing     Prof Ruth Masterson Creber



New members of the American Academy of Nursing