Student Council

The students at the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences actively participate in extracurricular activities, projects and promotion activities, and are members in various Faculty and University committees.

Our core values are:

  • maintaining connectedness and communication between students,
  • cultivating a sense of belonging to the Faculty,
  • promotion of the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences and nursing care,
  • development of individuals,
  • organization of social (Freshman Party, motivational weekend ...) and charity events (blood donation, help to the needy ...).


To discuss and decide on study-related issues that are important to students, each university member has a Student Council. The Student Council consists of the presidents of each study year and of one student-member of each study year, and the representative of the Council of Postgraduate Students. The Student Vice Dean is a member of the Student Council by position, and calls and chairs the meetings.

The tasks of the Student Council are:

  • discuss and give an opinion in all general, principled and special issues of higher education activities of the university member, which relate to the rights and duties of students
  • votes representatives to the Student Council of the University
  • gives opinion on candidates for deans or candidates for the director of another university member
  • performs other tasks, if so determined by law, statute or other general act of the university.


FBFB Group

Acting Vice Dean for Student Affairs UM FHS

Urška Novak

T: +386 2 300 47 07