Postgraduate 2nd degree study programme Nursing Care

Duration of study: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Title awarded at the end of the programme Magister zdravstvene nege, magistrica zdravstvene nege (Abbrev.: mag. zdr. nege)


Short description
The main aims of the programme include the purposes of postgraduate studies as stipulated by the law, research and profession-related characteristics of the modern nursing care, and internationally recognized objectives regarding the content and level of study.
The postgraduate (2nd degree) study programme Nursing Care enables students to acquire knowledge by studying theoretical and methodological concepts, to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge in practice and solve professional, work-related and other problems, in particular by searching for new sources of knowledge, and to develop, by applying scientific methods their ability to communicate in the profession and between professions, to develop a profession- and research-related critical attitude and responsibility, initiative and independence in decision-making and managing most demanding tasks.
Study fields under the master’s (2nd cycle) programme “Nursing Care”:

Option: Nursing Care

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Option: Emergency Situations In Health Care

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Option: Preventive and clinical nutrition

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Option: Integrated care for older people in advanced nursing practice

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Option: Integrated treatment of chronic patients in advanced nursing practice

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Option: Mental health in advanced nursing practice

Option: Public Health